Should You Use Visitor Recordings
Are you in dire need of the most effective ways to boost your conversions, increase your revenue and turn your visitors into customers? First, you should consider using visitor recordings, also known as sessions replay. Taking this approach helps boost your understanding of how people navigate and engage with your website elements.
But what does it take to get the much-needed insights into user behavior while using visual recordings? If you can't answer this question hassle-free, you have come to the right place. This article will take you through some of the things you should look for in visual recordings. Read on to find out more!
One of the best things you can do when integrating visitor recordings to web marketing is to watch out for excessive scrolling. Excessive scrolling in a visitor recording means that people are confused or not finding what they want on your page. To have a remarkable experience, it is highly recommended that you watch to see what pages they end up on. It doesn't stop at that since you need to consider introducing some of that down the funnel content on the initial page that they started on.
Aside from excessive scrolling, you should also go out of your way and get data on rage clicks. In a nutshell, rage clicks are when people repeatedly click something that's not interactive simply because they think it should be. Unfortunately, this is one piece of information that you can never get on Google Analytics.
This explains why it is one of the biggest reasons visitor recordings are so helpful. If you start noticing a lot of rages clicks on-page elements, it is in your best interest to add a link to see if it alleviates frustration and boosts conversions.
These are but some things you should look for in visitor recordings to enhance your marketing online in Singapore. While it might seem like a daunting task, you can get through it as long as you understand how to go about it. Hopefully, this simple guide will come in handy the next time you want to use visitor recordings to succeed in your online marketing campaigns. But, of course, you can always learn more about visitor recordings here before getting started.

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